Inuit Qaujisarnirmut Pilirijjutit

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find the proposal form and guide for applicants?

All information about the program can be found on the ArcticNet website: We encourage you to contact the program coordinators at with ANY questions you may have.

Can I get all the material translated in various Inuktut dialects?

Yes, all information from this program can be available to you in any Inuktut dialect that you require. Please contact us at and let us know in what dialect you would like that material in.

When are proposals due?

Proposals are due on January 6th, January 25th, 2022 at 11:59pm. Remember that a complete proposal consists of a few documents: 1. Completed proposal form; 2. Letter(s) of support and/or other support document(s), and 3. A completed budget table.

Who reviews the proposals? 

Proposals are reviewed at the regional and national levels. Proposals are first reviewed by regional committees in Nunatsiavut, Nunavut, Nunavik, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), depending on in which region your proposed research is taking place. Recommendations for funding are then reviewed and evaluated at the national level by ArcticNet’s Inuit Research Management Committee (IRMC). Once the IRMC has conducted the national review, their project recommendations are presented to the ArcticNet Board of Directors for approval prior to granting funds. For more information, see “Proposal Review” in the Guide for Applicants.

Who is the Inuit Research Management Committee?

The Inuit Research Management Committee (also known as the IRMC) is a committee funded by ArcticNet and is made up of representatives from the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC), Makivik Corporation, Kativik Regional Government (KRG), Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI), and Nunatsiavut Government, with Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada (ICC), and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) as observers.

Do I need to have a degree or to have gone to university?

You do not need to have a degree to propose a project. While it is often helpful to have some research background, the purpose of this program is to support Inuit-led research specifically. We recognize that this type of research may take a different form from what is conventionally seen in the western granting system (e.g., federal Tri-Agencies / granting councils). Therefore, while we recommend that you partner with people that can assist with the development of the proposal and conducting the project, it is expected that projects will look different from what is typically funded by the federal Tri-Agency.

Where can I find the National Inuit Strategy on Research (NISR)?

You can get a copy of the National Inuit Research Strategy at If you are unable to access the document, please write to program coordinators at

Do I have to send in a Letter of Intent (LOI) or Expression of Interest (EOI) first?

There is no need to submit either a LOI or and EOI. If you like, you can send your research ideas to either the Inuit Research Advisors or to program coordinators at for feedback ahead of proposal development. Contact information is provided in the Guide for Applicants.

Can urban Inuit apply to the program?

Yes, the program is open to Inuit (and organizations) across Inuit Nunangat or in Canadian urban areas. However, the funds under this program are limited, and priority is given to building research capacity in communities within Inuit Nunangat. Projects led by Inuit in southern urban areas will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Are there people that can help me with my proposal?

Yes! There are many ways to get help for your project. The first step would be to contact the Inuit Research Advisor for your region, or you can ask for assistance from program coordinators. Contact information is provided in the Guide for Applicants.

Will the Inuit Research Advisors (IRAs) write my proposal?

The Inuit Research Advisors are not able to write your proposals; however, they can provide advice and guidance. It is highly recommended that you to talk to them when you are developing your research idea and proposal. They will have important advice.

Can I work with a southern researcher?

There are a lot of southern researchers who have made great connections in working with Inuit communities. They can be important team members for your project. However, this program will only fund projects that are led by Inuit with the majority of funds going to Inuit communities and organizations.

I am having difficulties with getting a support letter from the organization supporting our proposal. What are my options?

We understand that it may take considerable time to obtain support documents from the organization supporting your proposed project (for example, if the timeline for writing the proposal does not match up with community or Board meetings when a support letter can be provided). If this is the case with your proposed project, please outline your situation clearly in the proposal form. Please indicate when the document(s) can be expected and what efforts you have made to date in reaching out to appropriate organizations. This program prioritizes funding for projects that are supported by community organizations. If it is not possible to receive formal letters of support, we can also accept other support documents, such as emails, minutes, Board or council resolutions, etc. If unsure, please contact the IQP program coordinators.

I am having difficulties submitting the proposal. Who should I call?

If you have any problems with submitting your proposal or accessing information about what’s required for a complete proposal, please send an email to

Why did you change the name from Inuit Nunangat Research Program to Inuit Qaujisarnirmut Pilirijjutit?

The Inuit Research Management Committee, which directs the program, felt that having an Inuktut name for an Inuit-run and directed program was crucial in highlighting the uniqueness of the program and promoting Inuit self-determination in Arctic research.

 Can I apply for administration fees for my project?

The IQP is unable to pay “administrative fees” for projects. However, projects can apply for up to 15% of their total budget in “research support funds”. These funds can be used for the salary of a project coordinator based at the supporting Inuit or community organization.

Can I keep the equipment when the project is over?

The equipment purchased by the project belongs to the supporting organization that receives and manages the funding for the project. The equipment may not belong to individuals. Funding for the IQP is research funding and is to be used for research and to build research capacity. Therefore, after your project ends, the equipment is owned by the supporting organization and it is expected that it be used for future research projects.

Is the same level of funding available this year as was last year?

Approximately. The amount this year is slightly higher than last year – around $1.8 million.

 What is the maximum amount of funding we can request?

The IQP does not prescribe funding amounts or a funding cap, but the program aims to fund as many Inuit-led projects as possible and will prioritize projects that are strong community-led research proposals that do not currently align with other funding programs. Under the first Call for Proposals, 11 out of the 32 submitted proposals were selected, with approved budgets ranging between $40k-240k across two years.

When will funding be released?

It is anticipated that funding will be released April 1, 2022 at the earliest for this Call for Proposals. For smaller projects, funding will be released once per year. For larger projects, funding will be released twice per year, in smaller amounts. It should be noted that funds cannot be sent until agreements are signed.

Are salaries an eligible expense?

Yes, depending on the team member. Inuit researchers, students, community members, environmental technicians, youth positions, Elder honoraria, and more are all eligible under this program.

Who is ineligible to receive salary money under the IQP?

Team members who are either: 1) Tri-Council eligible (typically full-time professors at Canadian universities); or 2) are in a position where the majority of their job is working in research.

Is there an established salary rate?

No. We do not designate salaries for team members. However, it is expected that the distribution between team members be equitable. Further, it is recognized that appropriate rates may differ between communities across Inuit Nunangat. We recommend consulting your local community organization to ensure that the rates requested in your budget are appropriate.

Is office space rental an eligible expense?

The IQP follows NSERC financial guidelines. Under these guidelines, the rental of office space is not eligible. However, it is recognized that access to office space can be a large barrier for IQP projects. If you are requesting office space that will be used specifically to support the project, include this in your budget justification. Program coordinators will work to try to make the case for approving this budget line on your behalf.

 Can this funding be used as part of an existing multi-year research project?

Yes, you can propose a new part of the project to be funded under the IQP.

Can this funding be used to purchase research equipment and supplies?

Yes. Up to 20% of project funds may be used for equipment. You may request more than 20%, but include a strong argument in your budget justification. It should be noted that large equipment such as vehicles cannot be purchased with IQP funds. See the Financial Guide for more details.

 Can this funding be used to extend a multi-year project?

Yes, if the work to be conducted under the extension is new.

Can this funding be used to support youth?

Yes, in order to be competitive, IQP projects should have strong plans for training and capacity-building activities. As such, requesting funds for youth involvement in research projects is supported and encouraged by the program.

Who owns the data that is collected for the project?

Section I in the proposal form speaks to this question. It is expected that projects ensure Inuit access, ownership and control over data and information, which is one of the priority areas outlined in the ITK National Inuit Strategy on research (NISR). Under the first Call for Proposals, the data is owned, controlled and managed by the supporting Inuit or community organizations receiving the funding.

Which ethics guidelines do projects need to follow?

All projects that receive research funding must demonstrate responsible conduct of research. They are expected to follow community-specific ethical guidelines for research as well as regional-specific processes for applying for research ethics licenses. Please engage your Inuit Research Advisor if you are unsure which committees exist in your region that review proposals and approve research. Remember, if your proposal gets approved, funding will require that you obtain all of the approvals required in your region to conduct the proposed research.


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